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Doctor Who


Magazine, Annuals


Other Cool


Doctor Who Magazine

Issues 41 - 80

Doctor Who Magazine started on the 17th October 1979 and is continuing today.  


In this section the magazine finished being published on a weekly bases in the Issue Number 43 dated 7th August 1980. The magazine became a 4 Week publication from Issue Number 44 dated September 1980.  This became the format that the magazine has continued to use to this day.


Below is the next 40 issues of the magazine.


Click on the Issue Date to take you to the issue.


Issue Number 61

February 198

Issue Number 65

June 1982

Issue Number 69

October 1982

Issue Number 73

February 1983

Issue Number 77

June 1983

Issue Number 43

7th August 1980

Final Weekly Issue 


Issue Number 44

September 1980

First Monthly Issue



Issue Number 62

March 1982

Issue Number 66

July 1982

Issue Number 74

March 1983

Issue Number 63

April 1982

Issue Number 67

August 1982

Issue Number 71

December 1982

Issue Number 75

April 1983

Issue Number 64

May 1982

Issue Number 68

September 1982

Issue Number 72

January 1983

Issue Number 76

May 1983

Issue Number 78

July 1983

Issue Number 79

August 1983

Issue Number 80

September 1983

Doctor Who Weekly - Issue 44 - The Unpublished Cover

By the summer of 1980, MARVEL UK's new launch was struggling.  It's creator, Dez Skinn, had departed the Annex of Ideas 'by mutual consent', depriving it of its principle champion. 

A relaunch chasing younger readers had proven a misfire, sales were down because of the long break between TV seasons and the high costs of getting original material for the Weekly Magazine.

The writing was on-the-Tardis-door when Marvel management, in a last gasp to keep things afloat, cut the frequency to monthly.  


A cut in frequency is usually a sure sign of approaching armageddon with a succession of titles having their frequency snipped just before being cancelled


However, cutting the frequency to a Montly publication instantly made each issue more profitable, kept copies on sale much longer and approximately halved the amount of new material required each month.  So in this case the move payed off as the magazine is still going today.


To picture to the left shows the cover that was intended for Issue 44, with a cover date of 14th August 1980, but was cancelled when the publication became a Monthly one.

This cover appeared in the 1989 10th anniversary special



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