F - Index Page
Below are the Magazines featured on the site.
Click an image to take you to the individual Magazine Page.
Some of the Magazines will only have pictures as part of a Reference guide. Others will have the full issue which you can click on to view.
If anyone has any of the missing issues or any issue of a Magazine not yet featured on the site and you are willing to share then please get in touch.
We are always looking for any type of magazine from any country to build up a comprehensive reference library.
Thank you.
1970 and the magazine that was the inspiration to the publishers of Smash Hits,
namely Disco 45 Songbook (the Songbook was added later). This publication first hit the streets in late November 1970 and provided it's readers with a mixture of information about the latest Pop Stars and Lyrics to Songs from the Charts.
Flexipop magazine was famous for the re-emergence of the flexible music disc in the UK during the 1980s. Launched in 1980 by ex-Record Mirror journalists Barry Cain and Tim Lott, the magazine featured a flexidisc in each issue. The magazine lasted for just under three years.
Fantasy Zone was Marvel UK's attempt to re-enter the Sci-Fi / Fantasy / Horror media magazine market.
Aimed at a more broader audience the magazine was well written and contained a fair amount of text and benefitted by some good layouts.