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Smash Hits - issue 52 - 27th November - 10th December 1980.jpg

Smash Hits offered its readers a Smash Hits Calendar Poster at the end of 1980.


The Poster Calendar measured approx 29 inch by 19 inch.  


The Calendar was split over two sides and featured artists in colour for each month.


The Calendar featured Colour Photo's of the following Artists:


The Jam

David Bowie

Kate Bush


Other artists were featured in Black And White Photo's.


To get you Calendar all you had to do was send 3 tokens that had been printed in the magazines, together with a Cheque or Postal Order made payable to Smash Hits to the value of 35 pence and the Calendar would be yours.


Smash Hits made available other Calendars over the years but this one did not show the calendar.  If any one did get this and still has it can they send a Photo so it can be added here.  Thank you.


Pride Flag

27th November - 10th December 1980


11th December - 24th December 1980


25th December 1980 - 7th January 1981


8th January - 21st January 1981

Page 36 - Smash Hits 8th - 21st January 1981 Police The Specials Eddy Grant David Bowie Vi


Smash Hits - Various Logo's.jpg
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