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Though out 2000 Smash Hits produced a series of 3 Mini Mags which were given away Free with various issues of the magazine.  These were


01 - Five

02 - Westlife

03 - Steps


The  Mini Mags provided 16 pages containing information and pictures on each of the various band members.


Below sets out each of the Mini Mags.  Scroll down to the one you are interested in.

Five - Mini Mag

Smash Hits - Five Mini Mag- Front Cover

The issue 23rd February - 8th March 2000 of Smash Hits provided their readers with the First of the Mini Mags Series.


This one concentrated on the band Five.

and contained 16 pages of band members information and a Centre Spread Poster.

Smash Hits - Issue 553 - 23rd February - 8th March 2000.jpg

To read the Mini Mag click the link below

Advert - 9th February - 22nd February 2000

Page 67 - Smash Hits - Issue 553 - 9th February - 22nd February 2000 - Advert.jpg

Westlife - Mini Mag

Page 1 - Smash Hits - Mini Mag - Westlife.jpg

The issue 19th April - 2nd May 2000 of Smash Hits provided their readers with the Second of the Mini Mags Series.


This one concentrated on the band Westlife.

and contained 16 pages of band members information.

Smash Hits - Issue 558 - 19th April - 2nd May 2000.jpg

To read the Mini Mag click the link below

Advert - 5th April - 15th April 2000

Advert - Smash Hits - Issue 556 - 5th April - 18th April 2000.jpg

Steps - Mini Mag

Page 1 - Smash Hits - Mini Mag - Steps.jpg

The issue 12th July 2000 of Smash Hits provided their readers with the Third of the Mini Mags Series.


This one concentrated on the band Steps.

and contained 16 pages of band members information.

Smash Hits - Issue 564 - 12th July - 25th July 2000.jpg

To read the Mini Mag click the link below


Smash Hits - Various Logo's.jpg
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