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Planet Pop Sticker Book

Smash Hits - Issue 517 - 23rd September - 6th October 1998.jpg

In the 23rd September - 6th October 1998 issue of Smash Hits they gave away a Free Panini Planet Pop Sticker Book and a Sheet of Pop Stickers to get you started.


Running to 36 pages this sticker book had 144 stickers and 12 generic stickers to collect.



Smash Hits - Planet Pop Sticker Book - Reduced.jpg


Editor - Gavin Reeve

Words - Alex Needham

Pictures - Sue Miles

Design - Kevin Newman

Production - Davydd Chong 


Photo Credits:

Idols / Rex / All Action / Retna /

Tom Howard / Neil Mackenzie Matthews / David Tongue / Ray Burmiston /

Kate Martin / Paul Rider / David Titlow / Soulla Petrou


Distributor UK - Panini

Sticker Book

Sheet of Stickers - Front and Back

As well of getting the Free Panini Planet Pop Sticker Book you also had a Free Sheet (or 2) of Sticker to get you started.  Other stickers were available from your local newsagents.


To view the stickers I have pictures for click the link below

Smash Hits - 23 Sep 98 (Stickers 3).jpg
Smash Hits - 23 Sep 98 (Stickers 4).jpg
Smash Hits - 23 Sep 98 (Stickers 1).jpg
Smash Hits - 23 Sep 98 (Stickers 2).jpg

Sticker Packs - Front and Back

Smash Hits - Planet Pop Collection 1998 - Sticker Packs.jpg
Smash Hits - Planet Pop Collection 1998 5.webp

Completing Your Collection

In order for you to complete your collection or you had to do was complete the form that came with the sticker book. 


Each sticker costs 6 pence with postage being Free.  There was a minimum order of £1.20 worth of stickers.


You Sent a cheque for the amount of stickers needed and your collection would be completed.  There was also a prize that you could win by completing some information about yourself.

Smash Hits - 23 Sep 98 (Sticker Collection Leaflet 1).jpg
Smash Hits - 23 Sep 98 (Sticker Collection Leaflet 4).jpg
Smash Hits - 23 Sep 98 (Sticker Collection Leaflet 2+3).jpg

Win The Collection

In the 7th October - 20th October issue of Smash Hits you had the chance to win the entire Panini Planet Pop Sticker Collection.

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International Version

Spanish Version

This edition of the Sticker Book was also released in Italy.  It was identical to the version distributed in the UK and Ireland with the difference being it was written in Spanish.

Smash Hits - Planet Pop Collection 1998 1.webp

French Version

The Sticker Book was released France.  This version was identical to the UK and Ireland version.  The only difference was that it was released in 1999.

Smas Hits - Sticker Book 1999.png
Smash Hits - Planet Pop Collection 1999 French.jpg

American Version

It looks like that the Sticker Book was also released America.  This version was identical to the UK and Ireland version.  The difference was that it was released in 1999 and featured Kevin from Backstreet Boys on the cover.  


The change in cover was probably because Backstreet Boys were very big in America and this would appeal to the public more than Boyzone.

Smassh Hits - Sticker Book 1999 (America).jpg

Advert - 9th September - 22nd September 1998

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Smash Hits - Various Logo's.jpg
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