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Wanna Be A Pop Star
CD-Rom (Game)

Wanna Be A Pop Star - Front Cover.jpg

In the 11th March - 24th March issue of Smash Hits they advertised a new Computer Game entitled 'Wanna Be A Pop Star'.  In other territories it was called 'Create a Pop Sensation'.  The new game retailed at a £29.99


Released in 1998 for the Window 95 Operating System the aim of the game was to create your own songs by mixing together samples, hold auditions and perform the song on stage in the hope to get a top 20 single.


Within the game the band consists of a singer, drummer, keyboard player, and two guitarists one lead and one on base. Selection is easy as they it's just a case of clicking on an instrument, or microphone in the case of the singer, and then selecting a character from the set of icons provided. The singer is the only band member who appearance and singing style can be customised. The major part of the game is the rehearsal which is where the song is constructed.


Each song consists of eight sections, the intro, 1st verse, chorus, 2nd verse, chorus, bridge, and two more choruses. There are five predefined songs and the player places sections of each song into a grid marking the pieces that each player will play effectively making a new song by mixing sections of the five songs provided. So, for example, the keyboard player may play the intro for song one while the drummer and singer perform the intro for song three.

After constructing the song the band must record it so it's off to the studio. Here there are mixer controls that can raise or lower the volume of individual band members as well as adjusting the left/right balance. Additional sounds such as backing vocals or brass highlights can be added here too. Once the player has a final sound they record it and play it in concert. There's no player interaction at the concert phase. The full song is played through in a concert setting complete with an animated audience and after that the score/chart position is shown and that's it. The player may choose to return to the rehearsal or recording studio to re-engineer the song , or even fire band members or change the lead singer's style and appearance to see if they can push it higher up the charts.




ProducerShelley Clark

Senior Software Engineer Bertie Bassett

Software EngineersSarah HadleyBill HoylandJohn McDonnell

Graphics Jill Frisby

Graphics: Thanks to Steve BrownlowNina Dobner

Project EditorRachel Harrison

Software Engineer Ed Davies

Animation - A for Animation Ltd

Animation DirectorMark Taylor

LayoutsLee CrawleyPolly Gates

AnimoGary Brown

Linking Sequences AnimationPhil ParkerJane E. Davies

Character AnimationBrian Malone-West (credited as Brian

                                              Malone West), Sam Malone West

                                              Arril JohnsonLee CrawleyLouise Roberts


Made by Attica Interactive

Publication date1998


Price - £29.99


Windows credits (1998)


About This

This Product Was developed Using Microsoft Developer Studio 97 [Copyright© 1994-97 Microsoft Corporation], Microsoft® DirectX® 5, Cinepak® Video Compression Codec


Font Credit

The font used on the drums in the product is Flubber v1.0 freeware from Unauthoirized Type. UnAuthorized Type features the creatons of: Ben McGhee


Music and Lyrics byChristopher Norton (© Copyright 1998 Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers Ltd)

Produced byChristopher Norton (for CN Productions)

Recorded at - CN Studios (Leeds)

Brit Pop

Lead Vocal (female)Anna Ibbotson

Lead Vocal (male)Rob Cowen

GuitarsBarrie Gledden

KeyboardsFrank Mizen

Drums - Danny M

Hip Hop

Lead Vocal (female)Melanie Page

Lead Vocal (male) Mark Walker

GuitarsFrank Mizen

KeyboardsMark Walker

ScratchingLee Jackson

Bass Mark WalkerLeroy Johnson

Drums - Markie W


Lead Vocal (female)Melanie Page

Lead Vocal (male)Justin Thomas

GuitarsBarrie GleddenFrank Mizen

KeyboardsPaul CooperChristopher Norton

BassPaul CooperChristopher Norton

Drums Paul Cooper


Lead Vocal (female)Juliet Norton

Lead Vocal (male)Rick Dowson

GuitarsBarrie GleddenFrank Mizen

KeyboardsMark WalkerFrank Mizen

BassMark WalkerFrank Mizen

Drums - Danny M


Lead Vocal (female)Shantel Edwards

Lead Vocal (male) Leroy Johnson

GuitarsLeroy JohnsonFrank Mizen

KeyboardsMark Walker

Bass Mark WalkerFrank Mizen

Drums - Markie W


Sound Effects and Voice - Overs

Sound EffectsPeter Beckmann

Voice-overs - Rabbit Vocal Management

Voice-over ArtistsMaria DarlingDanny John-JulesBill LeslieRobert RackstrawYvette Rochester


Music ManuscriptsAndrew Jones

Studio WorkRupert Phillips, PKP Studios

Testing - Absolute Quality Inc, Rob Ackrill

Market Research - DRSM, William Landell-Mills, West Oxford County Primary School, 

                                        Deborah Simmons, Lorraine Simmons



Back Cover

Wanna Be A Pop Star - Back Cover.jpg

CD Rom

Wanna Be A Pop Star - CD Rom.jpg

Inner Booklet

Wanna Be A Pop Star - Booklet 1.jpg

Loading Instructions

Wanna Be A Pop Star - Booklet 2.jpg


Advert - 11th March - 24th March 1998

Page 24 - Smash Hits - Issue 503 - 11th March - 24th March 1998.jpg
Page 25 - Smash Hits - Issue 503 - 11th March - 24th March 1998.jpg

Advert - 25th March - 7th April 1998
8th April - 21st April 1998

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Page 9 - Smash Hits - Issue 504 - 25th March - 7th April 1998.jpg
Smash Hits - Various Logo's.jpg
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