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Marc Casto

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Marc Casto worked for Smash Hits and was responsible for creating the cartoon strip

'Strange Tales From A Music Paper'.


Running from 29th May 1980 and ending 28th May 1981 the strip ran for a total of 27 Issues.


The Cartoon was a saterised view of Smash Hits and it's staff but quickly morphed into other

characters such as Zitty Ben.


Below are the 27 panels in the collection.



Strange Tales From A Music Paper

29th May - 11th June 1980

01 - Meet The Staff

01 - Smash Hits - Issue 39 - 29th May - 11th June 1980.jpg

12th June - 25th June 1980

02 - Strange Creature

02 - Smash Hits - Issue 40 - 12th June - 25th June 1980.jpg

26th June - 9th July 1980

03 - Strange Creature

03 - Smash Hits - Issue 41 - 26th June - 9th July 1980.jpg

10th July - 23rd July 1980

04 - Zitty Ben

04 - Smash Hits - Issue 42 - 10th July - 23rd July 1980.jpg

24th July - 6th August 1980

05 - Zitty Ben

05 - Smash Hits - Issue 43 - 24th July - 6th August 1980.jpg

7th August - 20th August 1980

06 - Zitty Ben

06 - Smash Hits - Issue 44 - 7th August - 20th August 1980.jpg

21st August - 3rd September 1980

07 - Red Starr

07 - Smash Hits - Issue 45 - 21st August - 3rd September 1980.jpg

4th September - 17th September 1980

08 - Red Starr

08 - Smash Hits - Issue 46 - 4th September - 17th September 1980.jpg

18th September - 1st October 1980

09 - Red Starr

09 - Smash Hits - Issue 47 - 18th September - 1st October 1980.jpg

2nd October - 15th October 1980

10 - Red Starr

10 - Smash Hits - Issue 48 - 2nd October - 15th October 1980.jpg

16th October - 29th October 1980

11 - The Beast From The Bog

11 - Smash Hits - Issue 49 - 16th October - 29th October 1980.jpg

30th October - 12th November 1980

12 - The Beast From The Bog

12 - Smash Hits - Issue 50 - 30th October - 12th November 1980.jpg

13th November - 26th November 1980

13 - The Beast From The Bog

13 - Smash Hits - issue 51 - 13th November - 26th November 1980.jpg

27th November - 10th December 1980

14 - The Beast From The Bog

14 - Smash Hits - issue 52 - 27th November - 10th December 1980.jpg

11th December - 24th December 1980

15 - The Beast From The Bog

15 - Smash Hits - Issue 53 - 11th December - 24th December 1980.jpg

25th December 1980 - 7th January 1981

16 - The Beast From The Bog

16 - Smash Hits - Issue 54 - 25th December 1980 - 7th January 1981.jpg

8th January - 21st January 1981

17 - The Beast From The Bog

17 - Smash Hits - issue 55 - 8th January - 21st January 1981.jpg

22nd January - 4th February 1981

18 - Signs On The Dole

18 - Smash Hits - Issue 56 - 22nd January - 4th February 1981.jpg

5th February - 18th February 1981

19 - Signs On The Dole

19 - Smash Hits - Issue 57 - 5th February - 18th February 1981.jpg

19th February - 4th March 1981

20 - Signs On The Dole

20 - Smash Hits - Issue 58 - 19th February - 4th March 1981.jpg

5th March - 18th March 1981

21 - Signs On The Dole

21 - Smash HIts - Issue 59 - 5th March - 18th March 1981.jpg

19th March - 1st April 1981

22 - The Jah Warriors

22 - Smash Hits - Issue 60 - 19th March - 1st April 1981.jpg

2nd April - 15th April 1981

23 - The Jah Warriors

23 - Smash Hits - Issue 61 - 2nd April - 15th April 1981.jpg

16th April - 29th April 1981

24 - Captaain Spack

24 - Smash Hits - Issue 62 - 16th April - 29th April 1981.jpg

30th April - 13th May 1981

25 - The Dick Heads

25 - smash Hits - Issue 63 - 30th April - 13th May 1981.jpg

14th May - 27th May 1981

26 - Dice With Death

26 - Smash Hits - Issue 64 - 14th May - 27th May 1981.jpg

28th May - 10th June 1981

27 - Dice With Death (The End)

27 - Smash Hits - Issue 65 - 28th May - 10th June 1981.jpg


My Interview with Marc Casto

My Interview with Zitty Ben

Marc Casto's own web page where you can read The New Adventures Of Zitty Ben that Marc is creating.


There is also an appearance of Myself as the Ace Reporter.

Smash Hits - Various Logo's.jpg
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