Welcome to another slice of the Internet and that of Magazone the Online Retro Magazine Database.
Have you ever wanted to relive the days where a magazine was the only way for you to find out information on Pop, TV, Hobbies and Sci-Fi.
For every week, fortnight or month you would run to your local newsagents to pick up the latest mag and enjoy sitting down and flicking through or reading the pages.
With the rise of the internet, magazine circulation has decreased while the nostalgia for seeing those magazines has increased.
Having sites for both Smash Hits and Record Mirror made me feel that there was a need to showcase other magazines which is why I set up Mag-A-Zone as I wanted to scan and preserve magazines for everyone to read again.

This is an ongoing project that will include Full Scans of magazines as I get them.
I will also include Front Covers of magazines I don't have to showcase what was available as part of a research tool for people who collect them.
If anyone wants to help either by Scanning their collection or donating issues to the site then please get in touch via the Contact Me page.
Also if you want to help by donating any amount to keep the site going then please click on the PayPal button as any donations will be gratefully received.
Enjoy browsing the pages of Mag-A-Zone.
Reliving memories of the past.