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The Giddy Carousel Of Pop

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The Giddy Carousel Of Pop Podcast was launched on the 26th November 2019.
Here is a little snippet about the Podcast.

In each episode, we take an old issue of Ver Hits (usually from the 1980's but may slip a year or two either side of that) and discuss what’s on its pages, looking at who’s riding high on the carousel and who’s heading down the dumper.


We always have a guest to help us along the way, so we’ll be talking to the readers, the writers, and who knows, maybe even the odd pop star who appeared in its pages.  There will also be Playlists of the songs and artists featured in the issue via YouTube and Spotify.


To follow the team on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram click the relevant links to the left.


The Podcast will be available from your favourite

Podcast App.


To Listen to the Podcast (on YouTube - Where Available) and read some information on the episodes click the pages below.



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